Shipping and returns

General information about the shipment of goods to the customer.

We at Velvetix offer free shipping on all products. From the day the product is confirmed, you can count on approx. 5-15 days of shipping.

We only have a certain amount of goods in stock in Sweden and will expand the range over time. When the goods are not sent from Sweden, they are sent from our supplier in China with whom we cooperate and therefore the shipping takes longer. Because we cooperate with different suppliers, the goods can be sent in separate packages when you order several products. If you want to avoid this, just check the product description of the product, where it says which supplier sends the product. Since we take care of all contact with the suppliers, just contact us if you have any questions.

Do you want us to send all products in the same package from Sweden? Then just contact us and we'll fix it at no extra cost! ATTENTION! That the delivery time will then be longer.


There is a 14-day open purchase period on all products in our store in accordance with the Consumer Services Act.